What is an Ancestral Healing and Clearing Ceremony? What can I expect?
All of us have an ancestral lineage that includes many kinds of ancestors. Most, if not all of us, have ancestors in our line that caused harm. In some cases, they caused a whole lot of harm. In other cases, they were greatly harmed. We may have inherited the residual energy from the harm that was caused. In these cases, we need to clear out the old energy or patterns we inherited and heal from the problems they caused or issues these ancestors had.
If we choose to do this work, I will create a personalized ceremony designed to liberate you from the residual issues left by certain ancestors. I will visit the ancestral realm through drumming and will use other techniques that aim to clear your energy body of residual issues. You will receive healing energy work to help transform the situation on the cellular level. If you have any questions about this, please ask. I am here to help.
Since we are working with ancestors, we can also call in those in your lineage to assist us if they are coming from a loving, emotionally safe place. I can discern between which ancestors are able to offer real help and those who are not safe to work with. I will put in place clear boundaries so that nobody enters the magical space who is not invited.
Finally, I will call in energies of protection that will stay with you for as long as they are needed. If you feel I am a good fit to work with you, you will know. Feel free to message me.
What is an Entity Extraction and how does this work address it?
I have found, by working with people from all walks of life, that there are reasons some of us hear certain kinds of negative and self-defeating thoughts. They might literally or figuratively beat themselves up when they could just as well have been kind and loving toward themselves.
This can be the result of spiritual entities that get attached to the person, causing the person to believe the source of the lower vibrational thinking and feeling is from inside them, when in fact it is a result of an entity that is attached to them. This attachment can cause anywhere from mild to very severe harm, depending upon the type of entity and the level of harmful energy it brings. An entity can be the result of unprocessed emotions, common examples are pain and fear, or they may result from negative thought loops that play in your mind. In that sense you might be carrying the entity within your energy body.
I will assist the person suffering by helping them delete and destroy the contract they made with the entity. I can remove or extract the entity using magical tools at my disposal. In order to work in an ethical manner, I always get permission first from the person suffering and this way, the removal works more smoothly.
Once the entity or entities are removed, many clients feel a great sense of relief.
What is an Akashic reading? What can I expect?
The Akashic Records are an actual comprehensive compilation of information located in a star system that connects us to our cosmic origins. This information includes all that is; ever was or ever will be, involving each story of each human in existence.
When we want to access this information, there are differing ideas about how to do so. In my practice, I create a ritual magic container, and I allow my guides to show me, in manageable pieces, what is most useful to give to a client from their record. I will then relay the information to the client. That is what can be expected from a reading.
I started by reading myself first, and I was amazed at the information revealed to me. If you know why you want to do this work, contact me and we can do a brief meditation or assessment together to determine whether an Akashic reading with me feels right at this time in your journey.
Since Metta means loving kindness, the intention here is to bring Metta into our Physical experiences and awareness. This is a one-woman production company. I will be producing original content included but not limited to: Guided Meditations. Spoken Word. Encouraging and Inspirational Messages.
These will be lovingly put together in what I call Audio Care Packages. Artists, Healers, Therapists, Empaths, Seekers or anyone who is into this, can request a Care Package or a Sample to start with. All that is needed is an email address to send it to. It is decidedly low tech and should be accessible to the most people possible.
Metta Physical Productions
Choose from 2 options:
- I will send a package to your email in 2 or 3 Audio Clips of material I have put together to enhance your practices.
- Another choice is: you can answer 3 questions and I will design an Audio Care Package of 2 or 3 Audio Clips that are designed just for you. (Please allow more time for this one to be created and sent to you.)
Here are the 3 Questions. Send answers via the Contact page on the website!
- If you could turn 1 problem over to your angels and guides - or the Universe- what would it be?
- Would you like Spoken Word pieces as part of your Package?
- What is one topic you would like to be woven into a Guided Meditation?
Let me know what kind of care package you would like. May you be happy, may you be free of suffering.